Thursday, August 7, 2008

My very first blog entry!

Yes, yes, yes. We have a blog. We figure, we just moved across the country, we're getting married (May 2, 2009!) and we're getting the opportunity to explore lots of new places that are far away from our friends and family, so what better way than create a little forum where we can share updates and photos, and you can comment on how super awesome (or totally corny) they are. Here's a little update for everyone - we have a new member of the family! (If you can consider Kyle and I, and two cats, a "family.")

Kyle's family cat, Lucy, is quite a saucy minx - she decided to roam the neighborhood and, well, came home pregnant. Four kittens were born not long after the pregnancy was discovered, and Skippy joined us about two weeks ago. Victor, ever the gentleman, has been indifferent at worst, gracious at best to share his new (much bigger) abode with what is turning out to be a completely maniacal kitten. I've never owned a kitten before, and for those of you that haven't, if you're ever considering it, I highly recommend purchasing some fairly elaborate scratching surfaces before bringing said kitten home. At least have some furniture in your place. In our case, we have neither, so I've become a human cat scratching post.

This is a picture of the two new "siblings" enjoying their very first group nap (awwww, they're touching paws!). Don't be fooled, though. As I write this they are currently staring one another down in what can only be described as a menacing way.

That's all for now - I'll update with more pictures of the apartment next!


kimmy said...

I hope I win the prize for the first Blog Comment!!! I think its great! Snickers is adorable and appears to really want to engage her big brother. Congrats on the newest addition to the family!

keep the updates coming.

love, Kimmy

Unknown said...

Wow. This is great. Lee, I hope when you start getting into this that you start stalking local celebrities and taking creepy paparazzi pics....or I mean... pics of your apartment