Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Naming the Kitteh

I never thought naming a cat with Lee would be so difficult. We've had this thing for 3 weeks now and have been unable to agree on a name, and not from lack of trying. The cat's original name was Snickers, but we both agreed to rename her after I smuggled her on a plane down from Seattle in a small cardboard box. Pets aren't allowed on the airline I was flying, so the box had to be small enough to look like it couldn't possibly have a living animal in it. I also relented and decided to put some air holes in it, although I thought that gave it away. To her credit, Kitty curled up (the only position she could fit in) and slept the entire way. Not a peep, and my only concern was when the Irish looking guy in the seat in front of me began to look around curiously - I wondered if he might be allergic and realized the obvious reason why pets aren't allowed on planes.Anyway, Lee's first suggestions for the name were: Penny, Tory, and Ethel. Mine were Mary J Blige, Miss Pam, and Nero. It became quickly apparent that we were not on the same page with this program. Ultimately, Lee wanted a name that was cute and 'petlike,' and I wanted something that was cool enough or ridiculous enough so I can laugh every time I hear someone call her name. For me, that would make the litter box and flying claw attacks worth it. Besides, it's not like the cat cares, right? All she cares about is climbing behind the TV and pulling the plug while we're in the middle of Mission Impossible: III. Thanks a lot, Nero.

So 2 weeks ago we began emailing during work our most recent name ideas, hoping for some agreement from one another. There was none. Below is an excerpt from our G-chat last week:

2:13 PM Lee: so. miss pam.?? really?

2:14 PM me: yes. Treasure cat?

2:15 PM Lee: hahahaha

talk to me



2:25 PM me: yes hello



im running around

2:29 PM Lee: its ok

2:39 PM Nala.

2:40 PM me: wawa

Lee: are you just ignoring my options?

i love it


2:41 PM me: pupu

what, you love my names?

2:42 PM Lee: no - i love that you're just ignoring me




2:47 PM

nala is the girl from lion king! a feline!

phoebe is just cute

and phoebe from friends sang the song smelly cat

which was funn


me: I dont mind Nala too much

2:48 PM Lee: and what bout the other optiosn - are you ignoring bc you don't like them

me: which. tory and pearl?

Lee: yeah. and pheebs

me: yeah. not a big fan

Lee: ameoba

me: wha?

2:50 PM Lee: i'm just kidding.

me: i love it

done and done

2:51 PM Lee has signed off of chat

me: Hello? How about Magdelena?

Lee did not receive your chat

So after 2 weeks of this, we finally came to an agreement the other day we were both happy with: Pepsi. It was a compromise on both our parts, and to finally settle the deal, I baptized her in the shower. Then, sure enough, the next day, Lee decides she doesn't like Pepsi anymore. I was furious. "It's done! We got the Lord's blessing!" (to her credit, I had done the same flip flop a week earlier with the name 'Skippy'). Currently, we have settled on Zelda (which I am quite happy with) but if the past is anything to go by, she'll have a new name by the weekend.

Your suggestions are welcomed…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This blog is the best thing that has happened to my job in a long time.

You should call it beta.