Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pearls Come from Oysters...and from Shanghai

Ok, I get it. "Cat in a Box" for four months straight is not that sweet. Listen people....we got MARRIED, ok? There were a few things on my mind. But enough of that. (Or, maybe more of that later).

For now, I feel compelled to post about something that I should have posted about months ago. It goes like this (its only three steps...stay with me)

1) Kyle and I moved to Portland (almost a year ago!)

2) We became friends with a couple named Caroline and Josh

3) We are fully convinced Caroline and Josh are better at life than us

Why? They lived in Shanghai for two years. Cool. They now both run their own businesses. Also cool.

For now, I won't go into too much detail, except to post their websites. Caroline imports pearls and...well....they are stunning.


Pearls know how to blog!

Josh exports microbrews to China, and...well...the Chinese just don't know what's hit 'em.


How COOL are these two?! (I mean the people, not the logos)

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